I listed a few problems you could take up as course projects below. These are research problems, hence necessarily open-ended. Any progress is valuable and would earn you points towards a grade. So don’t be deterred if a problem seems too ambitious for a course project; if it interests you, just take it up!

TLA+ DSL In A Functional Language

The language TLA+ is a thin veneer over the logic TLA, which itself is a simple extension of Temporal Logic. As such TLA+ is just a syntax to write some formal mathematics, making it ideal for quick and dirty prototyping of system specifications. Specifications however grow in complexity as we progressively add more details to realize implementations. Unlike programming languages, TLA+ is unfortunately not designed to handle the growth of complexity in software development, making it painful to write larger and more elaborate specifications. The aim of this project is to address this problem from a PL standpoint. In particular, we aim to build a DSL in a functional language that lets us write and compose TLA+ specifications making use of the modularity features available in these languages (I recommend OCaml or F* as their module system is quite sophisticated. F* also has support for automated reasoning). The TLA+ functional DSL would have the following features:

  • Compositional actions: A TLA+ action is a predicate that relates next state to the current state. For each variable x in the specification, an action describes how the variable x' in next state relates to the variable x in the current state. TLA+ actions are not compositional. For instance, let’s say we define a send action:

    send(msgs,m) == msgs' = msgs \cup {m}

    And a recv action:

    recv(msgs, m) == /\ m \in msgs
                     /\ msgs' = msgs \ {m}

    Let’s say at a later point of time we would like to define a new action that sends a message m1 and receives a message m2, we cannot write send(msgs, m1) /\ recv(msgs, m2) as it is effectively equivalent to msgs' = msgs \cup {m1} /\ msgs' = msgs \ {m2}, which evaluates to a contradiction (as msgs' cannot be two distinct values). The workaround is to write a new sendAndRecv action that sends one message and receives another. This is clearly unsatisfactory. We would like our TLA+ DSL to address this problem by letting actions be composed, for instance, as functions or algebraic effects.

  • Modular Specifications: TLA+ does have a simple first-order module system, but complex specifications can benefit from powerful higher-order module systems of ML family languages.

  • Property-directed Testing and Fuzzing: TLA+ comes with its own modelchecker TLC that is general enough to check any specification written in Temporal Logic. The generality makes TLC comparable to explicit-state modelcheckers written for turing-complete languages, which are inturn comparable to property-directed testing and fuzzing frameworks. Tools of the latter kind, e.g., QuickCheck for Haskell and Crowbar for OCaml, have turned out to be quite effective in finding bugs in functional programs. Transplanting TLA+ as a DSL into these languages lets us apply the state-of-the-art testing and fuzzing techniques to distributed programs for free. This is an exciting possibility considering that TLC hasn’t fundamentally improved in many years (to the best of my knowledge).

Fuzz Testing Distributed Systems

Greybox fuzzing pioneered by AFL has been unreasonably effective at finding deep bugs and security vulnerabilities across a range of software applications. Interestingly there hasn’t been much work towards applying greybox fuzzing in the context of distributed systems (1, 2). In this project our aim is to explore such an application. This could be done at multiple levels of abstraction, for e.g., on an executable specification or on a real implementation. Either strategy would require us to (re)engineer our distributed programs to make them amenable for (greybox) fuzzing. For instance, fuzzers act on complete programs, so an implementation of a distributed protocol (e.g., Paxos) or a distributed application (e.g., e-banking) needs to be complemented with an implementation of the underlying system model to generate a self-contained executable to fuzz. Furthermore, the implementation of the system model has to expose necessary hooks to let fuzzer explore various system-level events such as message losses, network partitions, node crashes etc. There are many ways of doing this, but only some would lead to effective fuzzing; talk to me to understand why. Depending on the complexity of the fuzzing problem, you may chose to focus either on distributed applications with an aim of finding consistency anomalies or on distributed protocols with an intention of finding safety and liveness violations.

Probabilistic Error Bounds on Distributed Applications

The overarching goal is to lift the probabilistic reasoning of Bailis et al to the semantic level. I will update this space with more details shortly.