Assignment 1 builds on our classroom discussions on the Paxos consensus algorithm, the TLA+ specification language, and the TLC modelchecker. The aim is to get a first-hand experience writing formal specifications distributed protocols and to modelcheck them effectively. The assignment has two parts described below. All the files linked below can be found here. Submission instructions can be found at the end of this page. Due date is Tuesday 4/6/2021.

Part 1: Define Agreement as an invariant and fix the Paxos spec (10 pts)

Below is an abstract specification of Paxos in TLA+. As you know there are three roles a node can take in Paxos - proposer, acceptor, and learner. The specification shown below does not distinguish between these roles for the sake of simplicity. Every acceptor can also be a proposer and a learner. The spec is parameterized on the constants Value, Acceptor, and Quorum, which denote the set of proposable values, the set of acceptors (which is also the set of all nodes), and the set of all possible quorums respectively. Like the FLP proof we discussed in class, our Paxos specification uses a set msgs to denote the set of all messages that were ever exchanged. The initial state is defined using the predicate Init. Paxos works in two phases, and the four steps corresponding to these two phases are defined as TLA actions named Prepare, AckPrepare, Accept, and AckAccept. The top-level Paxos spec (sort of like a main function) is defined by the temporal predicate named Spec, which says that a Paxos machine is either in the Init state, or is in one of the states reachable by the repeated application of the Next, which is a disjunction of the aforementioned four actions.

To ensure that a specification we write is correct, we also write down the properties that we expect the spec has to satisfy and formally prove or modelcheck these properties. A property that is expected to be true in every reachable state of the specification is called an invariant. The above spec defines an invariant Inv consisting of a single predicate TypeOK that simply asserts the invariance of types of all the spec variables. While type safety is desirable, that is not the main property of interest in Paxos. The key invariant we require our spec to enforce is the Agreement (or Consensus) property which asserts that no two distinct values can ever be chosen by the algorithm. Your first objective is to formally define the Agreement/Consensus property in the context of the above spec, and add it as a predicate to Inv. Towards this end, you might have to add a Learn phase to the above spec that identifies the consensus value, i.e., the value to which the majority of nodes voted. Your definition of Agreement property must assert that there can only ever be one consensus value.

How can you check that your work is correct? TLC modelchecker comes to the rescue. TLC lets you instantiate the parameters of your model with finite values and exhaustively check the spec over the resultant state space. For the Paxos spec above, you will have to instantiate the constants Value, Acceptor, and Quorum with finite sets and run TLC checker over the resultant config. The following two files, MCPaxos.tla and MCPaxos.cfg, would help you do that.

MCPaxos.cfg is the configuration file that TLC needs. We also had to add MCPaxos.tla because TLC’s CFG language is impoverished and we need TLA’s powerful expression language to define the instantiation of Quorum sets. To modelcheck the spec in Paxos.tla you will have to run TLC on MCPaxos.tla (which extends Paxos spec with the definitions needed for modelchecking) while providing MCPaxos.cfg as the configuration file. You can do it using either the TLA toolbox or the TLA+ VS code plugin; you figure out the details.

Recall that TypeOK is the only invariant we assert in the above Paxos spec. The spec is type correct, so running TLC over it would simply warm your CPU without finding anything interesting. However, if you correctly extend the spec with a Learn action and an Agreement invariant (as a new conjunct to Inv), you will find a violation of agreement in a counterexample returned by TLC. Indeed the above spec is buggy! Your second objective is to examine the counterexample returned by TLC, find out what’s wrong with the spec, and fix the bug. Make sure that your fix does not introduce any new bugs; running TLC over your spec should simply loop. Your submission must include all three files – Paxos.tla, MCPaxos.tla, and MCPaxos.cfg.

Part 2: Define a Paxos System (Paxys) (15pts)

The Paxos specification we defined above is too abstract – the nodes never seem to crash or reboot and messages never seem to be lost. Furthermore there is this set msgs of all messages that were ever exchanges which is clearly a fictitious artifact. In Part 2 of this assignment we are going to write a more concrete specification of Paxos that captures some of the system-level realities. We call this spec Paxys – the Paxos System. Boilerplate Paxys.tla is shown below:

Your objective in this part is to write and modelcheck a Paxos System spec that differs from the spec in Part 1 in following ways:

  1. There is no longer a set of all messages ever exchanged. Instead, msgs is an array indexed by Acceptor. For an acceptor a, msgs[a] must hold the set of all inbound messages at a.
  2. Along with the usual Paxos actions, there are now two new actions- Crash and Recover that must be included in the Next spec. Crash and Recover are triggered non-deterministically. A crashed node must be out of action until a Recover action is triggered on the same node. Importantly, a crashed node loses a portion of its local state that is not written to a stable storage. The local state of an acceptor a consists of msgs[a], maxBal[a], maxVBal[a], maxVal[a], and anything else you might have newly added to the spec. When a crashes you might reset some of these to their initial values, while leaving the rest intact. The former set of variables are said to hold the state that is volatile, whereas the latter can be thought of as the state that a stores in its stable storage (but otherwise there is no difference between both kind of variables; you don’t have to explicitly model a stable storage). Your objective is to write Paxys in a way that minimizes the stable storage while still being functionally correct. This exercise would help us understand the requirements of a machine participating in Paxos.
  3. Quorum is no longer a module parameter. Instead consider any subset of Acceptor that has a majority of nodes as a quorum. You can achieve this effect with help of a IsQuorum predicate that takes a subset of Acceptor and returns true if it’s a quorum.
  4. Like in the Part 1, the Paxys spec must satisfy the invariant Inv consisting of two predicates – one asserting type safety (TypeOK) and other asserting the agreement property (“only one value can ever be chosen”).

Use TLC to continuously check your work. Like in the Part 1, you would need a MCPaxys.tla and a MCPaxys.cfg to run TLC on Paxys. Build these files yourself using the corresponding Paxos files as templates. Please do not add any new module parameters to Paxys. Instantiate Acceptor, Value, and Ballot with finite sets in your MC files. Keep these sets small to contain the state space of modelchecking.


Your submission must be a tar ball consisting of seven files:

  1. Paxos.tla, MCPaxos.tla, and MCPaxos.cfg, and
  2. Paxys.tla, MCPaxys.tla, and MCPaxys.cfg, and
  3. A file to help me understand your solution.

Please e-mail your submissions to me before 6th April (Tuesday). Good luck!